Hello, welcome to OHCEA One Health Course Modules. There is a total of sixteen modules focused on different key component of One Health. The module package has; 1) Facilitator’s Guide, 2) Student’s Guide, 3) PowerPoint Slide Deck, 4) Resources.
We hope you will find them useful for your work. Please share with us feedback on how useful you find them.
The following introduction will provide you more guidance on the Module content and how to use the modules.
READ ME FIRST [icon_button icon=”icon-file-pdf-o” url=”images/ohmodules/Introduction_to_OHCEAs_One_Health_Modules.pdf” target=”_blank”]Introduction[/icon_button]
Contact information: For any inquiries related to these One Health Modules, please contact Ms Winnie Bikaako: email wbikaako@ohcea.org or OneHealthModules@OHCEA.org