University of Rwanda Concludes Global One Health Competition.
University of Rwanda has for the second year running held the Global Health Case Competition. Global Health Case Competition presents an opportunity for multidisciplinary students to collaboratively work together to develop innovative solutions to health challenges....
A Student’s account of Experiences from the Frontlines of the Rift Valley Fever Outbreak Investigation in Kabale District, Uganda
On 4 March 2016 Uganda’s first case of Rift Valley Fever (RVF) was reported in the Kabale District, about 400 km southwest of Kampala. Although only one other case has been confirmed in Kabale, RVF is a viral disease that can be easily transmitted through infected...
Kenya Trains In-service Trainers for Risk Analysis
In the recent past, Kenya has had outbreaks of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases like Rift Valley Fever (RVF), Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) and common endemic diseases like rabies and anthrax. This calls for a workforce that is able to identify,...
Ethiopia Intensify Capacity Building Efforts for Risk Analysis
Training for risk analysis is a flagship program in Ethiopia under the One Health Workforce project. To date, …………have been trained in the country addressing a need that has been identified and expressed by the Government of Ethiopia. In this period, another set of...
Mekelle University Faculty Orientated in One Health Curriculum Integration
The integration of One Health core competence into existing courses of both undergraduate and postgraduate programs was conducted in Year III of One Health Workforce project. During the integration, only a small number of staff participated while many others who...
Student Training on Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Control
From the two student debates that had been conducted in February and June 2017, it became apparent that many students have long regarded microbes as undesirable creatures because the presence of some is associated with diseases in humans. However, the truth is that...
OHCEA Holds Workforce Development Regional Meeting to Harmonise Findings and Develop Continuity Strategies
Diseases that move between humans and animals require a workforce that can efficiently and effectively coordinate and collaborate across human, animal, environment health sectors for better detection, prevention and response. This “One Health Workforce” requires...
Training on Risk Analysis conducted at Mekelle University
One health Central and Eastern Africa (OHCEA) Mekelle Office through the support of USAID Fund has provided Training on Risk Analysis from December 28/2017 to January 1/2018. In this training 37 Professionals from Mekelle University College of Health Sciences, College...
Faculty Orientation on One Health Curriculum Integration Conducted at Mekelle University on December 17/2017
Mekelle University through the support of the Office of One Health Central and Eastern Africa (OHCEA) Office USAID Funded Project based at College of Veterinary Medicine has conducted a one day workshop aiming at Orientation faculty of college of health sciences and...