[grid][column size="1-3"] [heading size="h3" style="uk-module-title"][highlight]News[/highlight] Letters[/heading][list style=""][li icon="icon-file-pdf-o"] July - Sept 2018[/li][li icon="icon-file-pdf-o"] April - June 2018[/li] [li icon="icon-file-pdf-o"] Jan - March...
Rwanda One Health Stakeholders conduct Workforce Needs Assessment Workshop to Identify Collaboration Gaps
The One Health Systems Mapping and Analysis Resource Toolkit (OH-SMART) workshop was held to review the workforce technical and cross-sectoral training gaps in Rwanda and introduce the OH-SMART tool. The workshop was opened by the Principal of the College of Medicine...
Infectious Diseases Management Training for University of Rwanda Finalist Students and members of the Students One Health Innovations Club
The training was organized to equip finalist students of the University of Rwanda in the management of infectious diseases; detection, response and control. The July 7-day training was held at the Nyagatare Campus. One hundred and forty six (146) students attended...
Supporting University Networks to Expand and Grow: OHCEA Tanzania in Resource Mobilisation capacity strengthening.
July 25th – 27th 2016, OHCEA Tanzania organized grant writing worked in Dar es Salaam. The workshop was conducted at the Giraffe Hotel in Dar es Salaam. The purpose of the workshop was to provide grant writing skills to key health professionals and practitioners who...
Tanzania Experts Convene Strategy Development Workshop to address Workforce Gaps
Zoonotic diseases require a workforce that can efficiently and effectively coordinate and collaborate across human and animal health sectors for better prevention, detection and response. In order to articulate One Health workforce needs at a country level, Tanzania...
Senegal Conducts Anti-Microbial Resistance Training for Government Personnel and Providers to Improve their Effectiveness
The Global Action Plan (GAP) to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance is the model from which all countries can develop and implement national action plans (NAP).The resolution adopted by all Member States urges them to put in place a NAP which is consistent with GAP....
Tanzania takes the AMR war to primary school pupils in Kilosa Demonstration Site
It was a jovial moment when pupils in 40 primary schools in the Kilosa demonstration site of OHCEA Tanzania congregated at their schools to applaud for what they had attained after a successful sensitization on antibiotic resistance. This was one of the...
Jimma University Faculty Receive Training in Gender, One Health and Infectious Disease
The Gender & One Health infectious disease training was conducted in November 2016 at Jimma University. The purpose of the training was to build the capacity of the faculty in the Faculty of Public Health and School of Veterinary Medicine on Gender, One Health and...
Jimma University One Health Students’ Innovations Club Conducts Case Competitions on Brucellosis
One of the most vibrant components of the One Health Workforce (OHW) project in Ethiopia is the One Health Students’ Innovations Club. OHCEA Ethiopia has a strong population of students from different disciplines who form the One Health Students’ Innovations Club...