Experts Synthesize National Workforce Needs using the One Health System Analysis and Mapping Resource Toolkit
One Health Workforce together with One Health Central and Eastern Africa (OHCEA), Makerere University School of Public Health and College of Veterinary medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity organised a Multi-sectoral collaborative workshop to synthesize National...
Rwanda One Health Stakeholders conduct Workforce Needs Assessment Workshop to Identify Collaboration Gaps
The One Health Systems Mapping and Analysis Resource Toolkit (OH-SMART) workshop was held to review the workforce technical and cross-sectoral training gaps in Rwanda and introduce the OH-SMART tool. The workshop was opened by the Principal of the College of Medicine...
Infectious Diseases Management Training for University of Rwanda Finalist Students and members of the Students One Health Innovations Club
The training was organized to equip finalist students of the University of Rwanda in the management of infectious diseases; detection, response and control. The July 7-day training was held at the Nyagatare Campus. One hundred and forty six (146) students attended the...
Ethiopian “One Health” Club Engages High School Students for Rabies Eradication Campaign
In April 2013, in Aynalem Village, located in Ethiopia’s Tigray Region, a rabid dog bit two cows and three people. Around the same time, several hyenas, suspected of having rabies, were found dead. In a separate incident in 2003, several hundred endangered Ethiopian...
Kenya One Health Students Clubs conduct extensive Community activities for the Kipkelion West Subcounty
March 19th 2016, the One Health Students’ Clubs- Moi University in Liaison with University of Nairobi and Kericho County Government, with the financial support of OHCEA through the One Health Workforce project, conducted an outreach activity to Chebirir primary school...
What Seemingly small things can do to a Young Professional Seeking to Grow
I extend my sincere thanks to you, One Health Students Club MakerereUniversity and the entire staff of OHCEA Uganda office for training mein disease outbreak response and later giving me an opportunity toparticipate in Rift Valley Fever investigation in Kabale.Thank...
OHCEA Tanzania Conducts Inter-disciplinary Training for Undergraduate Students
OHCEA Tanzania conducted a joint interdisciplinary training for undergraduate students from Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) and Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) on ‘control of emerging pandemic threats and other zoonotic diseases’....