The Global Action Plan (GAP) to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance is the model from which all countries can develop and implement national action plans (NAP).The resolution adopted by all Member States urges them to put in place a NAP which is consistent with GAP. Senegal has already drawn up a NAP which has been sent to different stakeholders for observations and suggestions.

The objective of the workshop was to train national Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) stakeholders on the process of preparation and implementation of the NAP, with a view to finalizing the existing draft, using methodological tools and approaches recommended by the Tripartite Alliance at the world level. The workshop targeted 29 in-service professionals from different sectors involved in AMR (human health, animal health, environmental health, food safety).

 The objectives of the 5-day training were;

  • Provide information to national actors in charge of antimicrobial resistance, guidelines, manuals, resources and tools to assist in the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the National Action Plan (NAP)
  • Facilitate multi-sectoral collaboration and create links between national stakeholder sectors (human health, animal health (veterinary), agriculture and livestock, environment and food safety, to ensure ownership of the national action plan by the different sectors.
  • Discuss and agree on a common methodology to the national action plan, taking into account prevention and control of antimicrobial resistance as part of One Health, and consistent with the Global Plan of Action.
  • Improve the national action plan currently being finalized.

The workshop helped foster multi-sectoral collaboration and links between national actors from different sectors and disciplines to ensure ownership of the national action plan by the different sectors. It was belatedly realised that  the presence and participation of the National Education and Information Service for Health and the Directorate of Laboratories is important for such an undertaking.

The workshop enabled the participants learn how to;

  • Identify stakeholders in the management and control of AMR and establish a multisectoral coordination group
  • Conduct a situational analysis on AMR and a SWOT analysis
  • Establish priorities within various strategic interventions / activities
  • Develop a strategic plan and an operational plan
  • Undertake a budget development process\
  • Do Monitoring and Evaluation of NAPs

As a result of the training, a concrete roadmap to finalize the NAP was proposed to the administration. It includes administrative and organizational measures for the establishment of the governance and coordination structures as well as procedure to be followed for the finalization of the national plan. The workshop also proposed a strategy to improve the current Senegal NAP, with creation of four technical working groups (TWGs). These TWGs are temporary structures used as “armed wings” for the Multi-sectoral Coordination Group (MCG) and their main task will be to finalize the draft, each focusing on the field of its expertise. There was a suggestion to integrate participants trained in the workshop in these structures.

It was also agreed that another training workshop on AMR be organized for the benefit of public and private professionals.